The book is set in a future society where America is divided
in two parts, the colonies and the Republic.
The main characters, June and Day, live in the Republic. June is a very smart girl who is in training
to become a soldier and Day is a boy , who is rebelling against the Republic
and its rules. June’s bother, who is
also a soldier, is killed and June believes Day is responsible. When June finally tracks down Day, the real
adventure begins.
I thought that the book was very good for both boys and
girls. If you like Divergent you
will like this book as well. This book is a dystopian novel, meaning it is
about a world that is far from
perfect. . I liked how this book was
action packed and fast paced. This book is easy to understand and a very quick
read. I think this book is good because it kept me wanting to find out what
happens next. I am not an avid reader but this held my attention and I have am
now reading the second book in the trilogy.
I rate this book a 7 out of 10.
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